Samoa was a awesome rugby team on the Rugby World Cup 2011. I supported Manu Samoa from the start to the end. The Manu Samoa was brave never gave up always stand up for them self, even when they never made it to the quatar finals but they tried there best. It was fun when the RWC 2011 started we got all our'er flags we went around Auckland weaving our Samoa flag !!BEEP BEEP GO MANU SAMOA!! people creating a long line of cars beeping crazy funny horns its like follow the leader but with Samoan flags and Tongan flags its how we support our favorite team. !!WOW!! walking around in Mangere seeing people doing Manu Samoa haka from the other side and Tonga haka from the other side it was awesome. I thought it was boring so we took the long line of cars to the city, heaps of cars were very loud never stop there horn it carried on and on till it was night. We all went to have a good night sleep then the next day we would start it again. It was so sad to see Manu Samoa lose against South Africa but it was okay they tried there best to win it was the best RWC 2011 in the history of RWC bye Manu Samoa.